Sunday, August 8, 2010

My Cause is My Strength

First, I thank all of you for remembering my birthday and the wishes you sent.

It has been weeks since I posted a blog. I have been working very hard since my release from prison and I needed a break.

Much has developed since I last posted. I have been invited to join the planning board at the Collinsville Library and asked to consider writing the 100th Anniversary history of the library. I'm working with the Library's director to host a Writer's Fair too. Plus, starting in October we will be having Teen Open Mic Nights each Friday in the Library Community Room. The best acts will advance to the Biggest Talent Show in this Town's History.

In addition I've purchased a lot of equipment that will enable me to record and YouTube my performances as well as those at Johnny's Sidebar. I've been trying to figure out how to best use it all. I'm still not great at utilizing modern technology. I've screwed up several attempts already, but I think I have it figured out now.

In September, I will be competing in several events hosted by the Jaycees. There will be a speech and writing competition. I expect to win at least one of them. There is another competition for rookies in the Jaycees organization I will probably enter as well. The competions require travel and will serve as my first official vacation. The week after that is the Italian Fest celebration during which I will be coordinating the Writer's Fair. I've learned from my publisher that the Think Outside the Cell Series will be released around this time as well.

My greatest honor; however, was being asked by Brad Bolt, the Dean of Students of Alton High School, to speak to students who are at risk for delinquency in October. After the initial assembly, I will be returning every two weeks to discuss various matters with students and faculty. I'm very grateful for the oppurtunity to fight the problems with our criminal justice system at their root. I will have the chance to show disenfranchised children that they are better people than their deprived lives led them to believe about themselves.

I guess this is the perfect follow up to my last post. Many have asked me what my problem was because I haven't posted a blog in a while, and I've made drastic changes in my personal life.

All can be assured that I haven't lost focus. I've become more focused. I have taken steps to eliminate stressful situations from my life including some personal relationships. Thus I will be able to dedicate more energy to the cause I fight for.

I measure progress one success at a time. I learned long ago to define success for myself. That success is making the world better for the next generations in every small way that I can even if it means making great personal sacrifices. Every small success gives me strength to strive towards the next.

Always real;
Supaman Tion Terrell


  1. Your purpose and intent remind me of my son, who was executed on June 11, 2008, in texas.
    Thank you, Tion, for keepin on! The odds, in my book, is you will make great progress! It is in the little successes that great progress is made. my sons website:www//karlchamberlain.
    I am thankfull you have a friend who helps you cool down...keep your

  2. What are your small sacrifices? Are you really willing to eliminate your personal relationships? Can you afford to possibly burn bridges that may never be able to rebuild? Do your goals get in the way of your humanity? Are you happy or are you trying to find happiness in things and causes that you think will bring you success? The most sacrifice that one can do is giving of themselves to others, not money or material things just your time, can you??

  3. I have a big agenda. Sacrifices must be made. I value loyalty above all else. Next comes respect. If people in my life aren't capable of these things, then I remove them. Why waste time on a few unworthy people when that time could be dedicated to doing great things for the benifit of many?
