Monday, December 10, 2012

Needing You

It's funny that I love you like I have never loved another woman.
I'm more proud of you than anything.
I can't wait to see your face, feel your embrace, make love to your beautiful body.
Yet, when I can't get my hands on you, I do everything in my power to not think about you.
I guess that makes me a bad Lover.
Oh well I never claimed to be perfect.
We could talk on the phone, but every conversation sounds like "Whomp, whomp, whomp."
Why would I want to be reminded that the woman who owns my heart is inaccessible?

I seek distractions.
I feel like I'm in prison when I'm in the house and you are noy here.
I know you feel that when you are here I'd rather run the streets and play video games than give you attention.
I understand the conclusion, but you are not understanding me.
I need you here!
I may not give you all the attention you need nor support.
Still, I am not complete when you are too far away.

All I ever really wanted was to be able to lose myself in love like yours.
The world could stop turning and I would be fine with it as long as we are together.
So, when I can't have enough of you, I shut down.
I feel nothing, want nothing, and want to do nothing.
Every phone call becomes a dagger twisting as it pierces my organs.

Try to remember this love when I can't be everything you need.
I'm just not strong enough to be strong when we are separated.

1 comment:

  1. I have been follwing your blog for some time. It brings tears to my eyes to read what you wrote because life is short and tommorrow is never promised. Love her before its too late. She may not be here tommorrow. And it will hurt like hell. I am speaking from experience.
