This post may take me all night. I give thanks in advance to my secretary for her care in editing this post. I'm typing with one hand since I have a broken wrist.
I must write for you all though. It helps me keep my sanity. Some of you I've connected with in very special ways.
Many great things have developed since I wrote to you last.
1. I found a new job. I can't start until my arm heals, but it's mine for the taking.
2. I made a great deal of progress in a talent show project to be hosted by the First United Presbyterian Church. Domino's Pizza has committed to sponsor the event.
3. I placed 3rd in the St. Louis Poetry Slam.
4. As a result of the above, I performed at the Soulard Earth Festival held at Soulard Park in St. Louis, Mo.
So my friends, I know this is brief. However, I've had a long week. Plus I'm taking powerful pain killers. I'm doing the best I can to type this much with only my off hand. I could hardly type when I had two.
I will start on tomorrow's post early. It should be posted Monday at the latest. I appreciate all the patience you've shown thus far. Just as I earned that kind of faith from you; I will honor that faith with its due reciprocation.
Always real;
Supaman Tion Terrell
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