I'm a man of conviction. When I run into something that interests me, I investigate. Ten years in prison gave me a lot of time to study many subjects. My learning has lead to acquiring a belief system based on facts and logic.
I find that, like myself, most people tend to be strong in their convictions. I've pissed many women off by mentioning my post in this blog that argues it's wrong to lie to children about Santa Claus. It happened today at the Horseradish Festival. Despite that, I had a good time at the festival. The music was good. I couldn't tell you who the performers were though. I didn't really pay attention to those details.
Anyway, I give a lot of thought to my interactions with people. Especially afterwards. I don't like offending people, but its hard for me to allow people to live in ignorance. The rationalizations I get when people try to defend lying to their children amaze me. What really bugs me though is that people get so mad they may not read this blog to get what they can from it whatever they could that will help them grow.
That is the purpose of this blog. I don't get paid for it. I offer to pay people who don't get anything from it.
Now, I face a dilemna. I could not mention arguments that I believe may offend people when I meet them. However, I feel like that is dishonest in a way. I'm not comfortable with that option, but I don't like pissing people off either.
Besides, I once posted on face book that the problem with morality is people believe they have the right to force their own opinions onto others. If I try to push my feelings about issues onto others I'd be a person not unlike those I was complaining about.
This is a matter I will have to ponder long and hard. I would like some input. You all know how to reach me.
Always real,
Supaman Tion Terrell
It was my grandfather's philosophy that if you are old enough to ask you are old enough to receive. I used this for the first time when talking about death with my 10 year old cousin. She asked about cremation and what happens to your body if you're buried. I bluntly explained both, including options for scientific study after death and told her that bacteria would eat her body away after she was buried. She told me that was gross, but was perfectly capable of handling every answer I gave her.
ReplyDeleteLying about these things and telling half truths I believe only installs a reason for fear. If the parent shows nervousness in an explanation that will be the child's first impression of the subject matter. It's important to instill youth with ideals of complete honesty.
However, Santa Claus provides a useful experience in dealing with the loss of love and the loss of fantasy.Rather deal with it through Santa in a time that your child has stronger family ties and a person that they incorporate with family rather than the first boy/girlfriend in high school when they want nothing to do with you.
Honesty is such a difficult battle.